Ride Day 30 – Llanes to Comillas – 50 km

First, a few photos of Llanes. This place was a pleasant surprise. We had booked a hotel on the beach (shown below) for a change and the price was very reasonable- it didn’t have ocean views from the bedroom but it did from the enormous marble bathroom. The bed was large, as was the room and for once we were able to spread all our wet gear everywhere.

We set off a bit later to Comillas as the dark skies loomed and Duncan needed to call the office and get some work done. Bags were wrapped in precaution including a new internal waterproof bag for Julie’s clothes.

The route below which took us through some lovely countryside and the Oyambre Natural Park.

We stuck to quite a good road, not getting caught in too many detours up steep hills. Only a couple of smaller road sections as we wanted to find a good coffee to have with our Llanes tarts from a fantastic bakery in town. Low and behold, a coffee shop was open from 6am too – a very rare find.

We have only five major ride days left and we intend to make the most of cakes, ice creams, chips with everything (actually, not our choice but Spain is absent of green vegetables in restaurants ).

Climbing up one hill, a group of about 50 school children under age 8 were coming down with their teachers. They all stood to the side and clapped and cheered us. We couldn’t stop laughing, it was rather sweet and to save face, Julie was not going to get off and walk! The photo below is one of the rare occasions we were on the Camino proper – a paved/ tiled path, which descended very, very steeply at the end.

Natural Park below at San Vicente de la Barquera. Supposedly a nice town, which looked good on the approach with a big fort. But overrun with tourists, now we’re in peak season, and a poor menu del dia on offer.

We are staying in a “mountain house” in Comillas, just down the road of the reason we stayed here, the Gaudi designed El Capricho, his first work, age 30. There are only three outside of Catalonia. I’m sure we will get to the rest at some point.

Julie agrees with Gaudi that he did a pretty good job. Fabulous atrium and natural light throughout.

The town itself was very nice with some wonderful architecture. The further east we go, the better it seems to be. All on a day with no rain.

4 thoughts on “Ride Day 30 – Llanes to Comillas – 50 km

  1. Wow it’s so hot here, your clouds look quite inviting. We have been hibernating inside like the Southern Europeans do. Even using bath water to try and save the plants!!!!


  2. Not long to go now treasures, keep up the good work. I hope you had one of each of those gorgeous cakes especially the green one, lots of sugar to perk you up. We loved Comillas and the Gaudi house. Also those hydrangeas are just divine. Always look forward to the next installment and wishing you well and that weather improves. It’s sunny here for a couple of days before rain again at the end of the week.

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